Changing the world - one heart at a time
Our Commitment to a More Accessible Whole Brain Education
Sending children to an early learning enrichment center is not always an option for everyone, we get that. As we are passionate about bringing more magic to more and more families, we would like to make it easier for parents who want to practice whole brain education at home.
Here are some resources for you to start your home program, free for everyone.
Together, we can build a better generation of children.
The 0-6 years are a crucial window for your child's development.
Don't miss it! Contact us today to unlock their full potential!

Parents are baby's first teachers. Let Smartizen Be Your Guide
Babies trust their parents the most, it is our responsibility as parents to give them the best learning environment.
Whole brain education is a new concept in early learning. We call for open-minded parents to join us using this transformational method in their parenting journey.
We believe that every baby is born a genius and we can help you to unleash those talents in your children and spark the joy of learning from very early in life.
The 0-6 years are a crucial window for your child's development.
Don't miss it. Contact us today to unlock their full potential.
How to raise tomorrow's superstars
When is the right time for Right brain training?
The golden period of the right brain stimulation is from 0 to 6 years old. Studies show that 90% of a child's brain development happens before the age of 6. Thus, it is important for the brain to be well stimulated before the golden period ends. Read more on "What do we know about our brain" blog.
What is covered in each session?
In general, our session covers aspects such as general knowledge, literacy (phonics, reading and writing aligned with Ontario system), physical activities, fine-motor skills training, mathematical concepts, logical reasoning, listening comprehension, music, practical life and manners, memory games, observation training, speed-play with flashcards, speed reading and speed listening.
How many facilitators are there per session?
2 facilitators - double instructor guidance for your child
Are there any free resources for me to start at home?
Sending children to an early learning enrichment center is not always an option for everyone, we get that. As we are passionate about bringing more magic to more and more families, we would like to make it easier for parents who want to practice whole brain education at home.
Here are some resources for you to start your home program, free for everyone.
- Videos on home program activities (updating)
Why is my 2-3 years old child grouped with a 6 months old child?
If your kids have not been introduced to Right brain training session before, it is more beneficial to your child to be introduced to early course to get used to the pace and our method first. It also depends majorly on how well your baby can read and decode text or do maths. If they are not trained before, they will be in "input stage" training first. From our initial assessment, we will decide how confident your child is in areas of cognitive skills, physical skills and literacy to group them appropriately. Being in the wrong group could discourage or de-motivate your child to grow due to unparalleled challenge levels in activities.
Is it too late to train my daughter at 6 years old? And where should I start from?
6 years old is not too late. It is worth mentioning that at this age, they have started their own interest. They are more opinionated about what you want to do versus their desire. Relationships first. We have to respect that. Being in a group learning environment like Smartizen it benefits them to increase focus power and engagement level from peers. At home, you can give your child more options to lead the activities or invest more in simple science experiments, or simply involve them in cooking with you.
Can my baby learn if she/he is bored?
Let's define being bored here. The only thing that prevents him from learning is being upset. A crying, fussing child will be overloaded with stress hormones. If he is still calm, maybe jumping here and there and not looking, don't worry. Their brain is supper observant.
I noticed my child didn't look at the materials at all. Is learning really happening?
Children are born with skills that no-one has, they can learn without paying attention. Their brain works like a lantern as their brain receptors are always active, circulating around to gather information. They don't know what information is useful to keep yet or what should be ignored. That's why they can learn even when they are not looking. If you see your child is being overwhelmed by lights or sounds, it is because they cannot tune out.
Do you have a group play session?
Yes, we have Simply Sensory session that parents can come with kids and socialise with other kids around theme-based huge sensory stations. This program means to help them embark on a new journey ahead when they join preschool. It serves as a gentle transition in helping both child and parent acclimate to separation and also improve their practical life skills with spoons, tweezers, tongs etc that will boost their confidence and independence. Families who are new to Canada can benefit from this play sessions to give their children smooth transition to new schooling system.
How long should I wait to see the progress of my child?
We encourage parents to give it 6 months or 1 year to see the results.
Learning is a long-term process which is true for anyone, babies or adults. Reinforcement is even more important to instill new knowledge into our brain. Unlike traditional methods, testing in our office is very low-key, we trust and respect our children. (No-one likes testing or exams!) Progress in your child can come as small incidents such as when your child points to the fruit tray in your kitchen and says "three bananas" or if they can associate a photo of a building in a magazine as "Little Street " to some painting shown to them from Art session by Vermeer.
There are other signs of progress in your children that require careful observation. These include improved discipline, increased attention span, ease in incorporating reading routines into their daily schedule, sharper memory, better use vocabulary and comprehension, greater confidence, and enhanced social skills. These qualities will become evident in various situations they encounter.
What we practice in the office is as important as what parents practice with them. Your love and trust in your children are key to help them thrive.
What happens if I skip a session?
For any reason, if a session is canceled because of our office, we will make it up for your kids. Unfortunately, if you have to skip 1 (or more) session, our current policy does not accommodate make-up session in that case.
Is the trial session free?
Yes! We understand that every baby is unique. Try our trial class to see if your little one enjoys it. If they do, we encourage you to enroll for at least six months to fully benefit from our whole-brain training program. We look forward to partner with you in providing the fundamental for your baby's growth and development!