Our methodology

The science behindΒ whole brainΒ training for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers

Right brainΒ training techniquesΒ are backed by work from renowned neurologist Roger Sperry who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981 thanks to his β€œSplit Brain” theory. His research concluded that if both hemispheres are not connected, the left and right brain can function independently. Geniuses are the ones who could integrate and utilize both sides of the brain., which is only 1% of the world population according to ResearchGate. Smartizen’s mission is to help babies build a strong β€œbridge” between the two sides, at the same time, to retain good use of both left brain and right brain so that babies can reach the highest potentials in life.

Our Inspirations

Inspired by the experts in Early Childhood Education

It’s not a coincidence that Dr. Montessori and Dr. Doman shared the same approach to early childhood education. Decades of brain research show that the more the brain is used, the more it grows. Just like our muscles, brain growth can be stopped, slowed but most importantly, speeded up. 90% of a human being's brain development happens before the age of 6.