Our Methodology

The science behind whole brain training for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers
During the first year, we parents often get asked:
- Has your baby made eye-contact yet?
- Has he/she rolled yet?
- Has he/she crawled yet?
We keep looking out for those milestones in our babies. Little do we know: those physical milestones are the results of the brain's work. At Smartizen, we harness this critical period to maximize your child’s potential.
The Science Behind Our Methodology
Our right brain training techniques are backed by Nobel Prize-winning neurologist Roger Sperry’s “Split Brain” theory in 1981. His research concluded that if both hemispheres are not connected, the left and right brain can function independently. According to ResearchGate, geniuses are the ones who could integrate and utilize both sides of the brain, a trait seen in only 1% of the world population. At Smartizen, our mission is to help babies build a strong “bridge” between the two brain hemispheres, ensuring they retain and utilize the strengths of both so that babies can reach the highest potentials in life.
Decades of brain research reveals that the brain grows by use. As soon as the baby's ability to hear and see develops, the neocortex starts connecting with the right brain first. According to world-leading early childhood educators, in order to speed up brain development in babies, their five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch need to be stimulated with increased frequency, intensity and duration. With meaningful, high quality, real-life content and done-strategically simulations, this process creates input pathways in the babies’ brain. In response to incoming sensory input, the brain then forms output pathways that enhance babies’s mobility, language or manual and cognitive competence. Such input and output pathways build a strong “bridge” between the right and the left brain.
Why Whole Brain Training?
Between 0-3 years old, children’s brains are right brain dominated, they pick up information at an incredibly fast pace and you can teach them literally anything. While right brain functions nurture imagination, intuition, and creativity, the left brain comes into the picture when children reach 3 years old with growing language skills and logical thinking, based on the right brain’s inputs. What will happen if there’s zero to low inputs from the right brain? The child still grows and picks up knowledge anyway, but at a much slower speed and with a higher concentration effort.
Based on principles of how the brain grows and how babies learn, we have developed programs to train both left brain and right brain of the babies. It is called whole-brain training because we nurture in children both the right brain (with fast input and playful activities) and the left brain (with powerful materials in a well-prepared classroom).
Being trained at the right timing and with the right method, these children will be able to maintain the use of both hemispheres even as they grow older.
Once children have developed their brain holistically while acquiring a mini-library, they are equipped with a great foundation to answer any academic or practical questions later in life.
What is whole brain early learning at Smartizen?
Step 1: Sensory playing and learning for your infants and toddlers.
At its optimal time when your kid's right brain is activated by hearing and seeing, we feed it with a vast amount of rich input via love, affirmations: flashcards, stories, visualization, image play. This is to build a powerful foundation of general knowledge. Did you know that the visualization part in Albert Einstein's brain is more developed than other areas? Visualization skill is so critical yet under looked in traditional education settings.
Step 2: Building connection between left and right brain on toddlers and pre-schoolers.
We build a strong bridge from the right to the left brain hemisphere via various games, songs or movements to reinforce learning and strengthen that “bridge”. Fun fact: this “bridge” was found really strong in Albert Einstein's brain.
Step 3: Young children to apply foundational knowledge to solve daily problem
After we have filled your kids’ input knowledge bank from the first 2 stages, it is time for the output phase, how exciting to see things come together when the left-brain muscles flex their analytics and problem solving skills. Math, reading, phonics, writing, science, foreign language, art and music appreciation are incorporated into each lesson so beautifully and well designed that the program will definitely spark the joy of learning in your children. We offer a transformational way of training that is not yet offered in the current traditional system.
Join Us for a Trial class
The 0-6 years are a crucial window for your child's development. Don't miss it. Contact us today to unlock their full potential. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in providing the best start for your child's educational journey. We can't wait to share the power of early whole-brain training techniques with you!