The Analysts (for Preschool JK: 4-6 years old)

At Smartizen, we have tailored programs to foster the love of learning in your children with our dedicated facilitators. Our commitment to holistic development of your child sets us apart. Give your child an early advantage with us!
The Analysts
Age : 4-6 years old
Eligibility: the Explorers Course
- Group size is 5 kids
- Double facilitator guidance; no need parent to accompany
- 60 minutes per session, once a week, 42 weeks/year
What to expect in this course:
In this course we continue to develop right brain abilities, plus put more focus on left brain development such as numeracy, logical, analytical thinking and communication skills. We take all the right brain abilities that the child has developed in the Explorers Course and apply it in ways that stimulate the left brain.
Improvement in your kids:
At this age, we also focus more on encouraging output from the children and promote independent learning as well as confidence, before progressing to primary school.