Our Inspirations
"Between 0-6 years old, the child’s mind is like a sponge"
Maria Montessori
“1 to 5 years old - the child’s brain is an open door to all information”
Glenn Doman

At Smartizen, we are deeply inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Montessori and Dr. Doman, who both recognized the incredible potential of early childhood education. Decades of brain research show that the more the brain is used, the more it grows, much like our muscles. Brain growth can be stopped, slowed but most importantly, speeded up.Fascinatingly, 90% of a human being's brain development happens before the age of 6, making these early years crucial for setting the foundation for lifelong learning.
Every child is born with an intense curiosity “to learn all there is to know… They are learning every minute of every day and we’re teaching them - whether we know it or not…Most often we are unintentionally teaching them things that aren't worth learning.” Unfortunately, this often means they may unexpectedly learn things that aren't beneficial.
Knowing how crucial it is to take advantage of the first 6 golden years of children’s life to teach them strategically, with meaningful knowledge and the right method, Smartizen is the very first training office in Canada that incorporates well-researched whole brain education into practice. New parents to Canada can trust us to provide their kids with a smooth transition to Canadian schooling system. Our facilitators are experienced in working with kids with special needs, if you need something more customized to help your children more confident in Math and Literacy, we are here to help.
Ultimately, we aim to help parents optimize children’s brain development at their most receptive period, when they are hungry for new inputs and take great joy in learning new things every day.
Read more on our methodology here.