Transition from Infant to toddler’s milestone baby between 19-27 months

Photo credit: Senjuti Kundu

The transition from an Infant to toddler normally occurs between  19-27 months (or 1,5 years old to over 2 years old). Here are some characteristics of them:

  • Moving and walking more confidently, start running. They can climb on furniture with greater skill. Attempt to to more complex movements like jumping
  • Start to communicate short sentences like “more juice” thanks to the rapid expansion of vocabulary.
  • Craving exploration and independence, wanting to make decision themselves
  • Emotional development, they can show a wider range of feelings, understanding the feelings of others (comfort a crying friend). They may not engage in complex peer play yet.
  • Love to have imaginative friend, enjoys pretend play 
  • Responds to instructions
  • Able to match or short objects by shape, color, size
  • Refining fine motor skills, able to hold a pencil or crayons to make marks. Interested in sensory play like play dough, sensory bins etc.
  • Has limited ability to focus (up to 15 minutes)
  • Continuing to sleep through the night

What can we do to support an infant-toddler?

  • Continue to show love and positive affirmations, sing, cuddle, talk, and story time.
  • Describe things around them and also their feelings 
  • If they still let you, continue to massage. If not, just massage their feet
  • Flashcards: speed flash cards on various topics
  • Continue to teach foreign language, turn on classical music while they play
  • Continue to introduce or review perfect pitch note training
  • Eye exercise: wave a toy up/down, right/left ...
  • Physical movement: balancing with yoga ball, marching ... 
  • Cognitive development games: matching, sorting, counting , 2 piece puzzles
  • Introduce drawing: tracing lines, shapes, letters
  • Introduce practical life skills: folding, brushing, sweeping, sponging 
  • Short art or craft project

It's important to remember that every child develops at their own pace. If you have concerns about your child's development, don't hesitate to discuss them with your paediatrician.

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  • Simply Sensory (drop in)

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  • Toddlers Program (Supertots)

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